The best in this kind are but shadows” is

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a quote from William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest." The full quote is: "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." These lines are spoken by the character Prospero, who is reflecting on the transient and illusory nature of human existence.

To understand the meaning of this quote, it is important to first consider the context of the play. "The Tempest" is a story about a sorcerer named Prospero who has been exiled to an isolated island with his daughter, Miranda. Throughout the play, Prospero uses his magical powers to manipulate events and characters, ultimately seeking freedom and reconciliation.

In this particular quote, Prospero is addressing the ephemeral nature of life. The phrase "the best in this kind are but shadows" suggests that the most significant or fulfilling aspects of life are merely fleeting and insubstantial, like shadows. Prospero believes that human existence, with all its dreams and desires, is ultimately transient and insignificant compared to the larger scheme of things.

This quote can be interpreted in different ways based on individual perspectives. It may evoke feelings of melancholy or resignation, reminding us of the impermanence of life. It can also serve as a reminder to appreciate and make the most of the present moment, as it is all we truly have.

To find this specific quote, one can utilize various online sources such as literary databases, digital versions of "The Tempest," or quote collections. By searching for relevant keywords like "The Tempest," "quote," and possibly the exact phrase "the best in this kind are but shadows," you can easily find the specific quote and its full context within the play.