To what extent and in what ways did the role of women change in American society between 1790 and 1860 with referenece to two of the following:


I'm sure you'll find a lot of good information in some of these sites.

To investigate the extent and ways in which the role of women changed in American society between 1790 and 1860 in relation to domestic, economic, political, and social aspects, we can rely on various sources of information. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this question:

1. Conduct a preliminary research: Start by gathering general knowledge on the subject through textbooks, articles, or reputable online sources. This will help you understand the historical context, key events, and influential figures.

2. Focus on the timeframe: Examine the specific years between 1790 and 1860 to understand the social, political, and economic climate of the time. Look for major events that may have had an impact on women's roles in society, such as the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the emergence of reform movements.

3. Analyze domestic changes: Investigate how women's roles within the household transformed during this period. Consider changes in child-rearing practices, household responsibilities, and gender expectations. Look for sources that discuss the ideals of "Republican Motherhood" or the cult of domesticity, which may shed light on the evolving perception of women's domestic roles.

4. Explore economic transformations: Examine how women's participation in the economy changed during this period. Investigate their roles in agriculture, industry, and the workforce. Consider significant developments, such as the growth of the textile industry and the rise of factory work. Sources like census data, labor reports, and writings from women involved in economic activities can provide valuable insights.

5. Investigate political advancements: Assess the extent to which women gained political opportunities and influence during this era. Look for information about suffrage movements, women's involvement in political campaigns, and their political activism. Focus on figures like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and the Seneca Falls Convention.

6. Analyze changes in the social sphere: Examine shifts in societal norms, cultural expectations, and women's participation in social gatherings and organizations. Consider the rise of social reform movements, such as temperance, abolitionism, and the women's rights movement. Analyze how these movements affected women's social roles and the opportunities available to them.

7. Compile and interpret findings: Organize your research into categories, such as domestic, economic, political, and social changes. Determine the extent and ways in which women's roles evolved in each aspect. Use primary sources like diaries, letters, speeches, and newspaper articles to support your findings.

Remember to cite your sources and be aware of any biases that might exist in historical accounts. By following these steps, you will be able to investigate and answer the question regarding the changes in women's roles in American society between 1790 and 1860 with reference to domestic, economic, political, and social aspects.