Which situation should be analyzed using bivariate data?

1) Ms. saleem keeps list of the amount of time her daughter spends on her social studies homework.

2) Mr. Benjamin tries to see if his students'shoe sizes are directly related to their heilghts.

3)Mr. DeStefan records his customers' best video game scores during the summer.

4) Mr. Chan keep track of his daughter's algebra grades for the quarter.

Which one measures two variables related to the subjects?

You should be able to answer this question as restated.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Mr Benjamin

The situation that should be analyzed using bivariate data is option 2) Mr. Benjamin trying to see if his students' shoe sizes are directly related to their heights. Bivariate data analysis involves studying the relationship between two variables, in this case, shoe sizes and heights.

The situation that should be analyzed using bivariate data is option number 2) Mr. Benjamin trying to see if his students' shoe sizes are directly related to their heights.

Bivariate data refers to a type of data that involves two variables or factors. In this case, Mr. Benjamin is interested in exploring the relationship between two variables: the students' shoe sizes and their heights. By collecting data on both variables from his students, he can analyze and determine if there is a correlation or relationship between the two.

To analyze this situation using bivariate data, Mr. Benjamin needs to collect data on both shoe sizes and heights for each student. He can do this by measuring the shoe sizes and heights of his students or by asking the students to provide the information themselves.

Once the data is collected, Mr. Benjamin can then plot it on a scatter plot, with shoe sizes on one axis and heights on the other. By examining the pattern of the plotted points, he can determine if there is a relationship between the two variables. He can also calculate correlation coefficients or perform regression analysis to quantify the strength and direction of the relationship.

Overall, analyzing bivariate data is appropriate when you want to examine the relationship between two variables, such as in the case of Mr. Benjamin and his students' shoe sizes and heights.