What is the difference between social science and social studies?

Social science is the study of the individuals and their relationship to society...

Social studies involves many areas of study including, geography, economics,government, philosophy, etc.

However, sometimes the terms are used interchangeably. I taught psychology in the Division of Social Sciences at a College.

Although this might confuse the issue for you, I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

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The difference between social science and social studies lies in their scope, focus, and methods of inquiry.

Social science is a branch of science that studies human society and social relationships using a systematic and empirical approach. It primarily focuses on understanding human behavior, social institutions, and their impact on individuals and societies. Social science disciplines include sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, and geography. These disciplines employ rigorous research methods such as surveys, experiments, observations, and statistical data analysis to generate knowledge about the social world.

On the other hand, social studies refers to a broader interdisciplinary field that encompasses various subjects related to human society and its interactions. Unlike social science, social studies is typically taught in K-12 education systems as a comprehensive educational approach that introduces students to different social science disciplines as well as history, civics, culture, geography, and other related subjects. It aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of society, culture, and the world in general. However, unlike social science, social studies may have less emphasis on rigorous scientific research methods and in-depth theoretical analysis.

In summary, while social science is a specialized and scientific study of human society conducted by researchers and scholars, social studies is a broader educational approach that introduces students to various social science disciplines and other subjects to develop a holistic understanding of society.