how did england become a dominant maritime power during 16th & 17th centuries.

Could u please explain this more claerly

Do you know what "maritime" means?

deep sea, or concerning with the sea


You got a good start on answering this question in one of your other posts.

England became a dominant maritime power during 16th & 17th centuries by ... Elizabeth herself

Did the Queen go out sailing on the high seas????

no, her sea dogs did I think. Her sea captins Francis Drake, John Hawkins and the other sea dogs did


The English fleet was very powerful under the "sea dogs" and pretty much ruled the ocean.

So could you please rephrase all of this to fit it in my answer

Your turn. :-)

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

England became a dominant maritime power during 16th & 17th centuries by Elizabethès Engish fleet who were very powerful under sea dogs and who bascially ruled the ocean. please add to it