the girl going uphill is working very hard. What forces is she pushing against?

she will be working against gravity and air restistance, as gravity is pulling her down she will have to exert more force to go uphill. As she speeds up more air resistance will pushing against her acting as another force

The girl going uphill is pushing against various forces. Here are the forces she is working against:

1. Force of Gravity: The force of gravity pulls the girl and her body downwards towards the center of the Earth. When going uphill, she needs to work against gravity to move upwards.

2. Friction: The frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the girl's motion. It occurs between the girl's shoes and the ground. The friction force opposes her motion and makes it harder for her to move uphill.

3. Air Resistance: Although air resistance is not as significant when walking, it can still provide some resistance, especially if there's wind. The girl needs to push against this force to continue moving forward.

By applying force in the opposite direction of these forces, the girl is able to overcome them and move uphill.

The girl going uphill is working against a combination of forces. In order to better understand the forces she is pushing against, let's break it down step-by-step:

Firstly, she is pushing against the force of gravity. Gravity pulls all objects toward the center of the Earth. When the girl is moving uphill, she has to exert extra force to counteract the gravitational force pulling her downward.

Secondly, she is pushing against frictional forces. Friction is the resistance between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. As the girl walks uphill, there is friction between her shoes and the ground. This friction opposes her forward motion and makes it harder to move uphill.

Additionally, depending on the situation, the girl may be pushing against air resistance. Air molecules create resistance as they collide with her body, making it harder for her to move forward. However, air resistance is typically negligible in most situations, unless the girl is moving at high speeds.

So, to summarize, the girl going uphill is pushing against gravity, friction, and potentially air resistance.