what is a polygon with exactly four angles

Check the chart at this site.


However, there are several types of quadrilaterals: squares, rectangles and parallelograms.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

A polygon can be any shape not just shapes with 4 angles.

A polygon can be any shape not just shapes with 4 angles. anonymous is right.

A polygon with exactly four angles is called a quadrilateral. "Quad" means four and "lateral" means side, so a quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles.

To verify that a shape is a quadrilateral, you can follow these steps:
1. Count the number of sides: Make sure the shape has exactly four sides. Each side should be a straight line segment that does not intersect with others.
2. Count the number of vertices: Check if the shape has four vertices, also known as corners. Each vertex is where two sides of the shape meet.
3. Count the number of angles: Ensure that the shape has four angles. Remember that each angle is formed by the intersection of two adjacent sides.

If all these conditions are met, then the shape is a quadrilateral with four angles. Examples of quadrilaterals include rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, and rhombuses.