what are some good sentences with prepositions!!

One of the boys is playing basketball with his friends.

He's playing on the driveway.

With so many prepositions, many sentences are possible.

During the night, a tree fell against our house.

what is the preposition for the last example?

During, against.

ok thanx

You're welcome.

Sure! Here are a few sentences with prepositions:

1. I walked through the park.
To come up with sentences using prepositions, you can think about different locations or directions you can go through.

2. She placed the book on the table.
Consider objects and surfaces where an action can take place. Think about where you can put or find something.

3. The cat jumped over the fence.
Think about objects that can be crossed or jumped over.

4. He sat next to his sister.
Think of positions or arrangements where someone or something can be located in relation to others.

5. We went for a hike along the trail.
Consider actions or activities that can take place along or beside different things.

To create more sentences, you can think about various prepositions such as in, out, under, above, below, between, among, beside, around, by, against, etc., and how they relate to different nouns or verbs. Experiment with different word combinations to form meaningful sentences.