Graph the equation using the slope and the y- intercept y= 8/5x+5

Put x=0, y=5, therefore (0,5) is on the line.

Put y=0, x=-25/8, there (-3 1/8, 0) is another point on the line.

Join the two points to construct the given line.

To graph the equation y = (8/5)x + 5 using the slope and the y-intercept, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the y-intercept: The y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. In this equation, the y-intercept is 5, so the point (0, 5) is on the line.

2. Determine the slope: The slope of a line determines its steepness. In this equation, the slope is 8/5. The slope is expressed as "rise over run," meaning that for every increase of 5 in the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate increases by 8.

3. Start at the y-intercept: Plot the point (0, 5) on your graph, since it represents the y-intercept.

4. Use the slope to find additional points: From the y-intercept, move 5 units in the x-direction (to the right) and 8 units in the y-direction (upward). Plot another point at (5, 13), which is one set of "rise-over-run" units away from the y-intercept.

5. Repeat step 4 to find more points: Continue using the slope to find more points. From (5, 13), move another 5 units in the x-direction and 8 units in the y-direction, plotting the point (10, 21). Repeat this process until you have plotted enough points to draw the line.

6. Connect the points: Once you have plotted multiple points, use a ruler or straight edge to draw a line that passes through all these points. This line represents the graph of the equation y = (8/5)x + 5.

Note: It's always a good idea to plot at least three points to ensure accuracy and verify that they lie on a straight line.