What are the goals of taxation? Is it necessary to have a taxation system for survival of large society? Why?

The goals of taxation are to provide for the welfare of the citizens.

Where would we be without government, military forces, bridges, roads, sanitation, help for the indigent, education of our children, etc., etc.?

What do you think?

Do all countries have taxation and is it as high as ours?

Most countries have taxation.

Many of their taxes are much higher than ours. For instance, I recently read an article about the Netherlands where the author's income tax was 52% of his salary. Included in his benefits, though, was free medical care.

Check this site for the tax rates in other countries.


This has more information.


The goals of taxation can vary depending on the specific needs and priorities of a society. However, some common goals include funding government operations and services, promoting economic stability and equality, and addressing social and environmental issues.

To understand why taxation is necessary for the survival of a large society, we need to consider a few factors:

1. Government operations and services: Taxation provides the revenue needed to fund essential government functions, such as maintaining infrastructure, providing healthcare and education, ensuring public safety, and delivering various public services. Without taxation, it would be challenging for governments to meet these obligations effectively, leading to a decline in the overall well-being of society.

2. Economic stability: Taxes can be used to regulate the economy by controlling inflation, managing fiscal deficits, and stimulating economic growth. The government can use tax policies to shape behavior, encourage savings and investment, and redistribute income to reduce economic inequality. These measures contribute to overall economic stability and ensure sustainable growth.

3. Equity and fairness: Taxation is often used as a mechanism to promote social equality and fairness. Progressive tax systems, where higher-income individuals pay a larger proportion of their income in taxes, can help redistribute wealth and reduce income disparities. This approach ensures that everyone contributes based on their ability to pay, resulting in a fairer and more balanced society.

4. Social and environmental issues: Taxation can be utilized to address social and environmental challenges. Governments can impose taxes on activities that have negative externalities, such as pollution or excessive consumption of certain goods, to discourage such behavior and promote more sustainable practices. Tax revenue can also be used to fund social welfare programs, support the disadvantaged, and invest in renewable energy and environmental projects.

In summary, taxation is necessary for the survival of a large society because it raises the funds needed to support government operations and services, stabilize the economy, promote equity and fairness, and address social and environmental issues. Without taxation, the government would struggle to meet its obligations and society would likely suffer from a range of economic and social challenges.