Write or illustrate the number 7589, using expanded notation with exponents

7589 = 7x10^3 + 5x10^2 + 8x10 + 9

Guessing that is what you mean.

What is the expanded exponent form of 20,956 wi


7x10^3 + 5x10^2 + 8x10^1 + 9

To write or illustrate the number 7589 using expanded notation with exponents, we need to break down the number into its place values and express each place value with a corresponding exponent.

The digits in the number 7589 represent the following place values:

7: Thousands place (10^3)
5: Hundreds place (10^2)
8: Tens place (10^1)
9: Ones place (10^0)

Now, let's express each digit with its corresponding exponent:

7 x 10^3 + 5 x 10^2 + 8 x 10^1 + 9 x 10^0

To simplify this expression, we can evaluate the exponents:

7 x 1000 + 5 x 100 + 8 x 10 + 9 x 1

Which gives us:

7000 + 500 + 80 + 9

Adding these together, we find:


So, the number 7589 in expanded notation with exponents is:

7 x 10^3 + 5 x 10^2 + 8 x 10^1 + 9 x 10^0