Resource: Fundamental Accounting Principles, pp. 156 and 159

„h Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
„h Complete Quick Study question QS 4-2 on p. 156 and Exercises 4-4 and 4-5 on p. 159.
„h Post your answers as an attachment.

To answer this question, you will need to refer to the textbook "Fundamental Accounting Principles" and find the specific pages mentioned (pp. 156 and 159). Here are the steps to complete this task:

1. Obtain a copy of the textbook "Fundamental Accounting Principles" that contains the requested pages. You can find this textbook in online bookstores or at a local library. Ensure that you have the correct edition and version of the book.

2. Open the textbook and locate page 156. Find the Quick Study question QS 4-2 on this page. Read and understand the question.

3. To answer QS 4-2, carefully analyze the question and apply the accounting principles and concepts you have learned. Provide a thorough and accurate response to the question.

4. Next, turn to page 159 in the textbook. Look for Exercises 4-4 and 4-5. Read and understand these exercises.

5. To complete Exercises 4-4 and 4-5, follow the instructions given in the exercises and utilize your knowledge of accounting principles. Solve the problems step by step, showing your calculations if necessary.

6. Once you have completed your answers for QS 4-2, Exercise 4-4, and Exercise 4-5, save your responses in a document format (e.g., Microsoft Word or PDF).

7. Prepare to post your answers as an attachment in the Day 4 [Individual] forum. Use the instructions provided by your instructor or the forum guidelines to submit your work.

Remember to review your answers for accuracy and clarity before posting them.