Could you give me a website to find chapter summaries and the setting of the story Children of the River by Linda Crew. Thanks for all your help.

Just go to and enter "children of the river" linda crew -- including the quotation marks.

You'll find lots of choices.

Ok thank you so much!

You're very welcome!!


Certainly! To find chapter summaries and information about the setting of the story "Children of the River" by Linda Crew, you can use various online resources such as book review websites, educational platforms, and online bookstores. Here are a few popular websites you can try:

1. Goodreads ( Goodreads is a popular platform for book lovers and has a vast database of books. You can search for "Children of the River" on their website and find chapter summaries and book information, including the setting.

2. SparkNotes ( SparkNotes specializes in providing study guides and summaries for various books. They often break down books into chapters and have summaries, analysis, character descriptions, and more. Search for "Children of the River" on their website to find the information you need.

3. Schmoop ( Schmoop is another educational website that offers study materials, summaries, and analysis for a wide range of books, including "Children of the River." They usually provide detailed chapter summaries and background information about the setting.

4. Amazon ( or Barnes & Noble ( These online bookstores usually have book descriptions that give a brief overview of the story and may mention the setting. While they might not have chapter summaries, you can often find useful information about the book.

Remember to use specific search terms like "Children of the River chapter summaries" or "Children of the River setting" to get more targeted results. It's always a good idea to explore multiple websites to gather different perspectives and get a comprehensive understanding of the book.