i need to write an essay about the differences and similarities of Romeo and Paris(romeo and juliet) please help with the introduction

my thesis is "throughot the story 'romeo and juliet', romeo and paris are often compared"

the body talks about paris, romeo, and similarities

What is your thesis sentence?

What have you said in the body of the paper?

Remember -- the introduction INTRODUCES your paper. You can't introduce something until you know what you're saying.

That's not a thesis statement. It's a statement of fact.

Read this to learn how to write a good thesis statement:

Certainly! Writing an essay comparing and contrasting the characters of Romeo and Paris from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" is an interesting task. To create a strong introduction, consider the following steps:

1. Start with a Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement to hook your readers. This could be an intriguing fact, an impactful quote, or a thought-provoking question related to the topic. For example: "Love and obsession, loyalty and rivalry—within the pages of Shakespeare's tragedy 'Romeo and Juliet,' two characters emerge, each possessing contrasting qualities that shape their roles in the fateful tale."

2. Introduce the Characters: Briefly introduce Romeo and Paris, highlighting their significance and their roles within the story. Provide a little background information on the characters so that the readers have an understanding of their contexts. For instance: "Romeo, a Montague, is the passionate and impulsive young protagonist, deeply entwined in the throes of a forbidden love affair. Meanwhile, Paris, a noble suitor of Juliet from the rival Capulet family, represents tradition and social conformity."

3. Highlight the Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your essay. Explain that you will be exploring the similarities and differences between Romeo and Paris, focusing on their character traits, motivations, and their relationships with Juliet. For example: "In this essay, we aim to delve into the contrasting personas of Romeo and Paris, shedding light on how they influence the tragic events in the play and unraveling the complexities of their interactions with the pivotal character, Juliet."

4. Outline the Structure: Provide a brief overview of the structure of your essay. This will help your readers understand how you will address the topic and what they can expect from your analysis. For instance: "First, we will examine the similarities between Romeo and Paris, analyzing their shared characteristics and the impact these resemblances have on the plot. Then, we will delve into their differences, exploring how their contrasting attributes contribute to their individual narrative arcs."

Remember, an effective introduction should be concise, engaging, and clear. It should provide a preview of what is to come in the body of your essay while capturing the reader's attention.