1. Which element would react more actively when placed in water to form strong base?

A. Potassium
B. Magnesium
C. Fluorine
D. Oxygen
Would it be A?

2. Which transition metal has inner third orbital partially filled?
A. Iron
B. Gold
No ideas on this

Thank you.

correct on one.

Which element is in period 3?

None of it

Iron is in period 4, gold is in period 6, so what is the answer?

Which element is filling the 3d orbitals?


1. To determine which element would react more actively to form a strong base when placed in water, we need to consider the reactivity of the elements. Reactivity can be determined by the position of the element in the periodic table and its tendency to lose or gain electrons. Generally, elements further to the left and bottom of the periodic table tend to be more reactive.

In this case, Potassium (K) is in Group 1, which is known as the alkali metals. Alkali metals are highly reactive and readily lose electrons to form positive ions. When alkali metals react with water, they undergo a vigorous reaction, releasing hydrogen gas and forming strong bases. Therefore, Potassium (A) would be the most active element when placed in water to form a strong base.

2. To determine which transition metal has the inner third orbital partially filled, we can consult the electron configuration of the elements. The electron configuration describes the arrangement of electrons in an atom's electron shells and orbitals.

In this case, Iron (Fe) and Gold (Au) are both transition metals. Iron (Fe) has the electron configuration [Ar] 3d6 4s2, where the 3d orbital is partially filled. Gold (Au) has the electron configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1, where the 5d orbital is partially filled. From these configurations, we can conclude that Iron (A) has the inner third orbital partially filled.

So, the answer to the second question is A, Iron.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.