If 28% of a sum is $100.80, what is the sum?

A. $129.02
B. $277.78

C. $282.24

D. $360.00
how can i do this

i got the answer it's D thanks

how did you figure out which operation to use.

I thought -- 28% of what is 100.80? -- and then put it in algebraic terms.

To find the sum, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's first express 28% as a decimal by dividing it by 100: 28% = 0.28.

Now we can set up the proportion:
0.28 (part) / x (whole) = $100.80 (part) / y (whole).

Cross multiplying the proportions, we get:
0.28y = $100.80.

To solve for y, divide both sides of the equation by 0.28:
y = $100.80 / 0.28.

Performing the division, we find:
y = $360.

Therefore, the sum is $360.

Looking at the given options, option D. $360.00 matches our calculation.

Change 28% to a decimal. Let x = the sum.

0.28x = 100.8
x = 100.8/0.28
x = ?