You purchase a shirt for $8.50. There is a 6% sales tax. Your total cost will be

A. $8.55
B. $8.98

C. $9.01

D. $13.60

how can i solve this?

C. $9.01

Cost price = $8.50
Sales tax = 6% x 8.50
0.06 x 8.50 = $0.51

Total cost = Cost price + Sales tax
= $8.50 + $0.51 = $9.01


$8.50 * 1.06 = ?

how did u get the 1.06?

6% i move the % sign moved the decimal 2 place to left 0.06?

Right. 6% = 0.06

You could multiply 0.06 * 8.50 to find the tax. Then you can add the tax to the original price.

To calculate the total cost of the shirt including sales tax, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the amount of sales tax: Multiply the price of the shirt ($8.50) by the sales tax rate (6% or 0.06). This will give you the amount of sales tax, which is $8.50 x 0.06 = $0.51.

2. Add the sales tax to the original price of the shirt to get the total cost: Add $0.51 (sales tax) to $8.50 (original price) to get a total cost of $8.50 + $0.51 = $9.01.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. $9.01.