Need help finding a site that has DETAILED descriptions all about frogs been searching ages....


There are several here.

I used Google Advanced Search -- -- and put my search terms in the top box (all these words).

Of course! I can help you find a site with detailed descriptions about frogs. Here's how you can do it on your own:

1. Start by opening a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. In the search bar, type in "detailed descriptions about frogs" or a similar query.

Now, you have a few options for finding a suitable website:

Option 1: Use a search engine:
1. After typing in the query, press Enter or click on the search button.
2. The search engine will provide you with a list of relevant websites related to detailed descriptions about frogs.
3. Click on the websites that seem most promising and browse through their content to find the information you need.

Option 2: Visit authoritative websites:
1. If you prefer to explore specific websites known for providing detailed information, consider visiting authoritative sources such as scientific organizations, educational institutions, or reputable nature websites.
2. Examples of such websites include the Smithsonian's National Zoo website, National Geographic, or the websites of nature-focused universities or research institutes.

Option 3: Utilize online encyclopedias and databases:
1. Another option is to search for frog-related entries in online encyclopedias and databases like Encyclopedia Britannica, Britannica Kids, or the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
2. These sources often provide comprehensive descriptions, species information, habitat details, and more.

Remember to evaluate the information you find for accuracy and reliability, especially if you are using general search engines or user-edited sources like Wikipedia. It's always beneficial to cross-reference information from multiple sources.

I hope these tips help you find the detailed descriptions about frogs you're looking for!