What's wrong with this sentence?

Un "A" est meilleure q'un "F".

I think there's something wrong with q'un

The letters of the alphabet are masculine. Look at the adjective "meilleure" as that is feminine. You need "meilleur."

Sra (aka Mme)

If you are not allowed to change the sentence, then the problem is what you stated:

qu'un has been misspelled as q'un
meilleure should be written meilleure.

I would prefer to say:
Une note "A" est meilleure qu'une note "F".

Here meilleure is correct because "une note" is feminine.

Oops, sorry Angie. There was a typo in my answer, but Sra has given the correct answer. Hope that didn't confuse you.

The corrected line should read:
"meilleure should be written meilleur."

You're correct! There is an error in the sentence. The word "q'un" should be corrected to "qu'un".

To understand why this correction is necessary, we need to look at the French language's contraction rules. In French, the word "que" (meaning "than" in English) is often contracted with the word following it, particularly when that word starts with a vowel sound. The contraction combines "que" and "un" (meaning "a" or "an" in English) into one word: "qu'un".

In the given sentence, since the following word is "F" (which starts with a vowel sound), the correct contraction should be "qu'un". The corrected sentence would be:

"Un "A" est meilleure qu'un "F"."

It is essential to pay attention to contraction rules and ensure the proper use of contractions in written and spoken French.