Which of the following statements is an example of personification?

a. my brother was always a lone wolf

b. the morning dew gleamed liek a field of diamonds

c. the flowers bowed their heads in homage

d. the bear's feet were as cold as ice

C--Flowers are considered as human beings-bowing their heads
b & d are simile

Correct! Statement c. "the flowers bowed their heads in homage" is an example of personification because it gives human qualities (bowing their heads) to non-human objects (the flowers).

Statements a. "my brother was always a lone wolf" and d. "the bear's feet were as cold as ice" are examples of similes, where one thing is compared to another using "like" or "as".

Statement b. "the morning dew gleamed like a field of diamonds" is also a simile because it compares the gleaming of the dew to the gleaming of diamonds.

To identify which statement is an example of personification, first, let's understand what personification means. Personification is a figure of speech where non-human objects or animals are given human characteristics or qualities. It is a way to make the objects or animals more relatable or to emphasize certain characteristics.

Now, let's look at the given statements:

a. "My brother was always a lone wolf." - This is not an example of personification. It is using the metaphorical phrase "lone wolf" to describe someone who prefers to be alone, but it does not attribute any human characteristics to a non-human object or animal.

b. "The morning dew gleamed like a field of diamonds." - This is a simile, comparing the gleaming dew to a field of diamonds. Similes use "like" or "as" to compare two things, but they don't personify anything.

c. "The flowers bowed their heads in homage." - This is an example of personification. It gives the flowers the human-like action of bowing their heads in homage, which is something that humans do.

d. "The bear's feet were as cold as ice." - This is also a simile, comparing the coldness of the bear's feet to ice. It doesn't personify anything.

Therefore, the correct answer is option c. "The flowers bowed their heads in homage."

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