which of the following sentences contains an implied metaphor?

a. the small sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean
b. the wind looked down upon the tiny craft, laughed, and then attacked
c. the battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour
d. then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish

B is personification. D is simile
i think C is the answer
(implied, comparisons beetween things quite different from each other?)

Great! You're right -- and your reasoning is right on!

What is an example of an implied metaphor? *

"The small sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean."
"The battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour."
"Auntie Liz is a wrecking ball dressed up in a calico dress."
Correct answer 3
"Her smile was as bright as the sun."

Actually, the correct answer is D. The sentence "then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish" contains an implied metaphor. The comparison between the damaged vessel and a dead fish is not explicitly stated, but it is implied. This is a metaphor because it compares two unlike things without using "like" or "as."

You are on the right track! In order to identify the sentence that contains an implied metaphor, we need to look for a comparison between two things that are quite different from each other. Let's analyze each option:

a. "The small sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean." This sentence contains a simile, as it directly compares the sailboat to a cork.

b. "The wind looked down upon the tiny craft, laughed, and then attacked." This sentence contains personification, as it gives human qualities to the wind (looking down, laughing, and attacking).

c. "The battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour." This sentence does not contain any explicit comparison or figurative language.

d. "Then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish." This sentence also contains a simile, as it compares the damaged vessel rolling over to a dead fish.

Based on this analysis, options a, b, and d contain similes or personification. Therefore, the correct answer is option c. It does not contain any explicit or implied metaphor.