The movement for multiculturalism called for increased

a. attention to non-European cultures
b. numerical targets for hiring women and minorities
c. cuts in entitlement programs
d. pressure on Americans to retire at age 65

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If you look up the definition of multiculturalism, you'll understand the question and find the answer.



To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the options provided and choose the one that aligns with the movement for multiculturalism.

a. Attention to non-European cultures: Multiculturalism aims to promote and recognize the cultural diversity within a society. This option aligns with the concept of multiculturalism, as it suggests giving importance to non-European cultures.

b. Numerical targets for hiring women and minorities: While this option relates to diversity and equal representation, it specifically focuses on women and minorities rather than multiculturalism as a whole. Though it is an important objective, it does not encompass the entire scope of multiculturalism.

c. Cuts in entitlement programs: This option deals with reducing entitlement programs, which is unrelated to the movement for multiculturalism. Multiculturalism primarily focuses on fostering understanding and tolerance among different cultures.

d. Pressure on Americans to retire at age 65: This option addresses retirement age, which is again unrelated to multiculturalism. Retirement policies do not directly relate to recognizing and appreciating diverse cultures.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a. Attention to non-European cultures, as it aligns with the movement for multiculturalism.