make a picture picture using 4 quadrilaterals, 5 pentagons, 6 hexagons, and 8 octagons

To create a picture using the given shapes, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by drawing four quadrilaterals. You can arrange them in any way you like. Quadrilaterals are four-sided polygons, such as rectangles, squares, or parallelograms.

Step 2: Next, draw five pentagons. Pentagons have five sides, and you can position them around or inside the quadrilaterals to add more detail to your picture.

Step 3: After that, draw six hexagons. Hexagons have six sides, and you can place them similarly to the pentagons, creating an interesting pattern or design within the shape.

Step 4: Finally, draw eight octagons. Octagons have eight sides, and again, you can arrange them in various positions around or connected to the other shapes you've already drawn.

Keep in mind that the specific arrangement and positioning of the shapes is up to your creativity and imagination. Feel free to experiment and create your unique picture using the given number of each shape.