Subtract and if possible simplify

5 - 2
--- ---
a-3 a^2-9

multipy the numberator and denomiantor of the first term by (a+3).

That will give you a common denominator.

So then this would be the answer?


To subtract and simplify the expression (5 - 2) / (a - 3) / (a^2 - 9), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the numerator and denominator.

We have (5 - 2) = 3 in the numerator. The denominator, (a - 3), cannot be simplified further.

The denominator, (a^2 - 9), is a difference of squares and can be factored using the identity: a^2 - b^2 = (a - b)(a + b). In this case, a^2 - 9 can be factored as (a - 3)(a + 3).

So, the expression becomes 3 / [(a - 3)(a + 3)].

Step 2: Check for any possible cancellation.

In our case, there are no common factors between the numerator (3) and the denominator [(a - 3)(a + 3)]. Therefore, we cannot cancel anything.

Step 3: Final Simplification.

Since there are no further simplifications possible, the expression 3 / [(a - 3)(a + 3)] is already simplified.

Therefore, the subtracted and simplified expression is 3 / [(a - 3)(a + 3)].