How has Marie Curie helped us understand the universe in which we live?

I will be happy to critique your ideas.

Okay well i'm thinking along the lines of this:

She created the theory of radioactivity. Although Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896, Marie Curie and her devoted husband discovered that radioactivity is much more complicated than people thought.

Although I need more info on how much more complicated it is.

You can google radioactivity to find that out.

All this was discovered at the time the nucleus was being discovered, and it was unclear why the instability was present in some atoms, in some isotopes. Curie developed the methodology to understand this.

Marie Curie made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe through her pioneering work in the fields of radioactivity and nuclear physics. Here's how she helped us understand the universe:

1. Discovery of Radioactive Elements: Marie Curie, along with her husband Pierre Curie, discovered two radioactive elements: polonium and radium. This discovery brought about a paradigm shift in our understanding of the atomic structure and the nature of matter. It led to the recognition of a fundamental property of certain elements, which is the ability to spontaneously emit radiation.

2. Development of Radioactive Techniques: Curie's work on radioactivity laid the foundation for the development of new techniques to study the properties of elements and their atomic structure. These techniques include the use of radioactive isotopes as tracers in medical and scientific research, which have had enormous implications not only in medicine but also in fields such as chemistry, biology, and environmental science.

3. Understanding Nuclear Energy and Radioactive Decay: Curie's research on radioactivity led to a better understanding of nuclear processes, including the spontaneous decay of radioactive elements. This understanding was crucial in the development of nuclear energy and the subsequent harnessing of nuclear power for electricity generation.

4. X-Rays and Radiology: Marie Curie's work on radioactivity also played a key role in the development of X-rays and their application in radiology. She discovered that certain substances, such as radium, emit intense X-rays, which have been used in medical imaging techniques. X-rays revolutionized diagnostic medicine and allowed us to visualize internal structures of the human body, leading to improved medical diagnoses.

To find more detailed information about the contributions of Marie Curie and her impact on our understanding of the universe, you can refer to scientific literature, biographies, or reputable educational websites.