what objects weigh a kilogram?

a quart of milk weighs roughly a kg

3 normal size cans of pop weigh about a kg
a large fresh pineapple

and of course 1 litre of water weighs 1 kg

(at 4 degrees C)

To determine which objects weigh approximately one kilogram (kg), you can consider common household items with known weights or refer to standard objects that are typically used as references. Here are a few examples:

1. A bag of sugar: Check the packaging of a sugar bag, as many often contain one or two-kilogram options. Grabbing a bag of sugar that weighs 1 kg will give you a good idea of its weight.

2. A liter of water: Knowing that one liter of water weighs approximately one kilogram, measure out one liter of water using a measuring cup or a water bottle. This will give you an item that weighs about one kilogram.

3. A textbook: Find a textbook or a book with known weight specifications. Many textbooks can weigh around one kilogram or slightly more.

4. A laptop or small electronic device: Some laptops or smaller electronic devices, like tablets, can weigh close to or slightly exceed one kilogram. Check the specifications of the device to determine its weight accurately.

It's important to note that the weight of an object can vary slightly depending on its material, density, design, and other factors. Therefore, using a calibrated scale or consulting specific weight specifications is the most accurate way to determine if an object weighs precisely one kilogram.