You like playing the violin, but doing so in' front of others makes you nervous and you make mistakes. What is influencing your playing?

Although I'm not exactly clear about what you are asking, fear?


What behavioral name is influencing your behavior if you are playing the violin in front of others and you become nervous and make mistakes? What behavior in psychology are you displaying?

Please only post your questions once. Repeating posts will not get a quicker response. In addition, it wastes our time looking over reposts that have already been answered in a later post. Thank you.

The nervousness that you feel while playing the violin in front of others can be influenced by a combination of psychological and physiological factors. Here are a few factors that might be contributing to your performance anxiety:

1. Self-consciousness and fear of judgment: When you play in front of others, you may become self-conscious and worry about being judged or criticized. This fear of negative evaluation can lead to heightened anxiety and make it difficult to focus on your playing.

2. Lack of confidence: If you lack confidence in your skills and abilities, it can increase your anxiety. Doubting yourself or feeling unprepared can negatively impact your performance.

3. Pressure to meet expectations: When you play in front of an audience, you might feel pressure to meet certain expectations, whether they are your own or those of others. The fear of not living up to these expectations can create additional stress and anxiety.

4. Physiological factors: Performance anxiety can also have physical symptoms that affect your playing. Increased heart rate, trembling hands, shallow breathing, and tension in muscles can all interfere with your ability to control the instrument.

Addressing performance anxiety can be a gradual process, and it requires both mental and physical preparation. Here are a few suggestions on how to overcome nervousness and improve your playing in front of others:

1. Practice and preparation: Build your confidence by dedicating regular time to practice. The more familiar you are with the piece you are performing, the more comfortable you will feel playing it in front of others.

2. Gradual exposure and desensitization: Gradually expose yourself to performing in front of others. Start with a small, supportive audience and gradually increase the size and the formality of the setting. This will help you become acclimated to performing under pressure.

3. Mental techniques: Develop mental strategies to cope with performance anxiety. Breathing exercises, visualization, positive self-talk, and mindfulness techniques can help you relax and stay focused.

4. Seeking support: Consider finding a supportive teacher, mentor, or coach who can guide you through your anxiety. They can offer you valuable advice, encouragement, and specific techniques to manage performance anxiety.

Remember, overcoming nervousness and improving your performance in front of others can take time and practice. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. With determination and the right strategies, you can gradually reduce your anxiety and showcase your abilities more confidently.