Squares; Oatmeal;

1C Butter, 1C Br. Sugar, 1/2 tsp B.soda,2-1/2 C Oatmeal
Oven 375o for 20 Min.

made these squares and they fell apart when cut, were greasy. So o o, I smushed the whole thing up, added some chopped almonds and almond favouring. Now I need to know what can I put in to make it stick together, either as squares or balls.?
Thought if balls I could maybe roll in fine coconut?
Squares were for a late eve. snack at a wedding..ugh! why does it have to happen now. Any suggestions appreciated.

To make your oatmeal squares or balls stick together better, you can try adding a binder ingredient such as honey, maple syrup, or melted chocolate. These ingredients will not only help bind the mixture but will also add sweetness and flavor.

Here's a suggested modification to your recipe:

- 1 cup butter
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 1/2 cups oatmeal
- 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
- 1/2 cup chopped almonds
- 1 teaspoon almond extract
- Optional: fine coconut for rolling (if making balls)

1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
2. In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter and brown sugar until well combined.
3. Add the baking soda and oatmeal to the bowl and mix until evenly distributed.
4. Pour in the honey or maple syrup and almond extract, and mix everything together until you have a sticky and cohesive mixture.
5. Stir in the chopped almonds until they are incorporated throughout the mixture.
6. If making squares, press the mixture into a greased baking dish evenly. If making balls, take tablespoon-sized portions of the mixture and roll them into balls.
7. If making squares, bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. If making balls, you don't need to bake; simply refrigerate them for about 30 minutes to firm up.
8. If making balls, you can now roll them in fine coconut to add another layer of flavor and texture.
9. Allow the squares or balls to cool completely before serving.

By adding honey or maple syrup, the natural stickiness of these ingredients will help hold the mixture together. If you prefer a stronger almond flavor, you can even add more almond extract. Rolling the balls in fine coconut will give them a nice finishing touch as well.