Let U = {x/x is a female} A = {x/x is a mathematician} B = {x/x owns a pickup} C = {x/x owns a dog} Describe in words a member of each of the following:

_ (a) B (b) B u C (c) A - C

To describe a member of each of the sets, we need to explain what the sets represent.

Set U represents all females, set A represents all mathematicians, set B represents all people who own a pickup, and set C represents all people who own a dog.

Now let's describe a member of each of the following sets:

(a) B: A member of set B would be someone who owns a pickup. For example, a person named Jane who owns a pickup truck would be a member of set B.

(b) B u C: The symbol "u" represents the union of two sets, in this case, B and C. Members of B u C would be people who either own a pickup or own a dog, or both. For example, a person named John who owns both a pickup truck and a dog would be a member of set B u C.

(c) A - C: The symbol "-" represents the set difference, which means elements in set A that are not in set C. Members of A - C would be mathematicians who do not own a dog. For example, a female mathematician named Sarah who does not own a dog would be a member of set A - C.