1. Your duplicate post has been deleted.

2. Get rid of the extra words and exclamation marks in the box marked First Name. It's extremely distracting and puts teachers off.

3. When you type in all-caps, two things happen:
**it's harder to read, and
**it's the online equivalent to SHOUTING.
Please just type in regular mode, not with the Caps Lock feature turned on.


1. It is important to avoid duplicate posts or content as it can clutter the conversation or discussion. In this case, the duplicate post has been deleted to ensure clarity and avoid repetition.

2. To get rid of extra words and exclamation marks in the box marked "First Name," you can follow these steps:
a. Locate the box marked "First Name."
b. Identify any unnecessary words or exclamation marks within the box.
c. Select the unwanted words or exclamation marks using your mouse or trackpad.
d. Press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key on your keyboard to remove the selected text.
e. Repeat steps c and d if there are additional unwanted words or exclamation marks.
f. Once you have removed all the extra words and exclamation marks, the box should be free of distracting elements.

3. When typing in all-capital letters, it can create two issues:
a. It becomes harder to read because human readers are accustomed to reading text that uses a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters.
b. Typing in all caps is often interpreted as shouting or conveying a strong tone, which can be seen as impolite or aggressive in online communication.

To type in regular mode without the Caps Lock feature turned on, follow these steps:
a. Locate the "Caps Lock" key on your keyboard. It is typically located on the left side of the keyboard and may have an indicator light.
b. Press the "Caps Lock" key once to turn off the feature if it is currently active. This will enable regular typing mode, where lowercase letters will be typed by default.
c. Begin typing in the box marked "First Name" or any other text input field, and ensure that you are using lowercase letters unless specifically needed.

By following these steps, you can adjust the contents of the box and type in a way that is more visually appealing and courteous to others online.