can you review these please

1. Un juguete que tenía de pequeño era un osito negro que compré en una tienda.

2. Una amiga de la infancia era Sara y era muy simpática.

3. Una prenda de vestir que me gustaba mucho de pequeño era el sombrero grande de mi abuelo.



Sure! Here's a review of each sentence:

1. "Un juguete que tenía de pequeño era un osito negro que compré en una tienda." (Translation: "A toy I had as a child was a black teddy bear that I bought in a store.") - This sentence is a complete and clear statement. It describes a toy that the speaker had as a child, specifically a black teddy bear that was purchased in a store.

2. "Una amiga de la infancia era Sara y era muy simpática." (Translation: "A childhood friend was Sara, and she was very nice.") - This sentence is also clear and complete. It introduces a childhood friend named Sara and describes her as a friendly person.

3. "Una prenda de vestir que me gustaba mucho de pequeño era el sombrero grande de mi abuelo." (Translation: "An article of clothing that I really liked as a child was my grandfather's big hat.") - This sentence is coherent and provides an interesting detail about a favorite clothing item from the speaker's childhood, which happens to be their grandfather's big hat.

Overall, the sentences are well-structured and convey the intended information effectively.