A college professor has 370 papers to grade. In one evening, she grades 80 percent of

them. How many ungraded papers will remain for her to complete tomorrow?
A. 316 C. 82
B. 296 D. 74

I x'd 370 by 80% which equaled 296
then I subtracted 296 from 370 and came up with the answer 74

Is (D) correct?


are you in pre algebra...?

Yes, (D) is correct. To arrive at the answer, you correctly multiplied 370 by 80% to find out how many papers the professor graded in one evening. The calculation would be:

370 x 0.8 = 296

Next, you subtracted the number of graded papers from the total number of papers to find out how many ungraded papers remained for her to complete tomorrow:

370 - 296 = 74

Therefore, there are 74 ungraded papers remaining for her to complete tomorrow.