explain the duties and responsibilities that guided people live in medieval europe


That all depends on whether you're referring to nobles, clerics, peasants, or whom.

Let us know what you decide.

Are you referring to members of guilds?

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "medieval guilds" to get these possible sources:


In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

During the medieval period in Europe, society was organized according to a hierarchical system known as feudalism. Feudalism provided a social structure where individuals had specific duties and responsibilities that were guided by their position within this system. Let's explore the key duties and responsibilities of different groups of people during medieval Europe:

1. Monarchs and Nobles: The king or queen, as the supreme ruler, had the responsibility to maintain law and order, protect the realm, and administer justice. Nobles, including dukes, earls, and barons, were granted land and held positions of authority. They were obliged to provide military service, maintain an army, and offer counsel to the monarch.

2. Knights: Knights were trained warriors who served the nobles. Their primary responsibilities included defending their lord's lands, engaging in military campaigns, and protecting the local population from external threats. Additionally, knights were expected to uphold a code of chivalry, which emphasized virtues like bravery, loyalty, and courtesy.

3. Clergy: The medieval church played a crucial role in society. Clerics, including bishops, priests, monks, and nuns, were responsible for religious duties such as leading worship, administering sacraments, and guiding the spiritual lives of their communities. They acted as moral guides, provided education, and managed the church's assets.

4. Peasants and Serfs: The majority of the population in medieval Europe consisted of peasants and serfs. Peasants worked the land and were responsible for agricultural tasks, including farming, herding livestock, and maintaining the lord's estate. Serfs, who were tied to the land, owed labor and a share of their crops to the landowner in exchange for protection and housing.

5. Guilds and Craftsmen: Guilds were associations of skilled craftsmen and tradesmen who worked in cities. They were responsible for regulating their respective crafts, maintaining quality, and ensuring fair prices. Guild members had responsibilities, such as apprenticeship training, upholding standards, and contributing to the community's well-being.

It is important to note that the specific duties and responsibilities varied depending on factors such as social status, geographical location, and time period within the medieval era. Understanding the roles of different groups helps provide insights into the social structure and the expectations of individuals in medieval Europe.