linear equation

please help!!!!

change it to standard slope intercept form:


thank you!!!

u helped me 2!!!! hahahahaha

To solve the linear equation x + y = -2, you need to find the values of x and y that satisfy this equation.

One way to solve this equation is by using the method of substitution. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Solve one variable in terms of the other.
From the given equation, you can rearrange it to get y in terms of x:
y = -x - 2

Step 2: Substitute the value of y in the original equation.
Since y = -x - 2, you can substitute it in the original equation:
x + (-x - 2) = -2

Step 3: Simplify and solve for x.
By simplifying the equation, you get:
x - x - 2 = -2
-2 = -2

Step 4: Determine the solution.
The equation -2 = -2 is true for all real numbers. This means that there are infinitely many solutions for x.

Step 5: Find the corresponding values of y.
Now that we know x can be any real number, we can substitute it back into the expression y = -x - 2 to find the corresponding values of y.

In summary, the solution to the linear equation x + y = -2 is (x, y) = (any real number, -x - 2), where x can be any real number.