1. "¿Dónde esta tu cartera, mamá?" "Esta en mi _____."

2. "Where is your wallet, Mom?" "It's en my _____."

3. purse

4. bolso

a. pañuelo
b. cinturón
c. tela
d. bolso

If you choose d (bolso) that is correct.


To answer the question, "¿Dónde esta tu cartera, mamá?" (Where is your wallet, Mom?), you can look at the response given: "Esta en mi _____." (It's in my _____.)

From the options provided:

a. pañuelo (handkerchief)
b. cinturón (belt)
c. tela (cloth)
d. bolso (purse)

The correct answer is option d. bolso, which translates to "purse" in English.