What is Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics? Is there even a difference between them?

thank you very much.

Quantm physics treats matter as probabilty wave. Quantum mechanics is the same thing.

Quantum physics and quantum mechanics are closely related terms and are often used interchangeably. Let me explain the concepts and the similarities between them.

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy on the smallest scales, such as atoms and particles. It describes the fundamental principles that govern the interactions and properties of these microscopic systems.

Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is the mathematical framework and set of physical laws that form the basis of quantum physics. It provides a systematic way of describing and predicting the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Quantum mechanics allows us to understand the wave-particle duality of matter, where particles like electrons exhibit wave-like properties as well.

In summary, quantum physics is the broader field that encompasses the study of matter and energy at the quantum level, whereas quantum mechanics is the specific mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of particles in the quantum realm.

To delve deeper into quantum physics and quantum mechanics, you could start by studying the foundational principles and concepts such as:

1. Wave-particle duality: Understand how particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

2. Superposition: Learn about the concept that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, rather than having a single definite state.

3. Uncertainty principle: Familiarize yourself with the principle that states that there are inherent limits to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, like position and momentum, can be simultaneously known.

4. Quantum entanglement: Explore the phenomenon where two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the others.

5. Quantum computing: Discover the potential of using quantum systems to perform computation more efficiently than classical computers.

To gain a deeper understanding of quantum physics and quantum mechanics, you may consider studying textbooks, taking online courses, or watching lectures from reputable sources like universities or renowned physicists. It is a fascinating and complex field, but with dedication and curiosity, you can start unraveling the mysteries of the quantum world.