Is this a compound sentence??

But proof has mounted, and many people now accept these claims.



Subject + verb in first clause; comma + and to join them; subject + verb in second clause.




Yes, the sentence "But proof has mounted, and many people now accept these claims" is a compound sentence. A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses, which are clauses that can stand alone as separate sentences. In this case, the sentence consists of two independent clauses: "But proof has mounted" and "many people now accept these claims."

To determine if a sentence is compound, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the subject and verb of each clause within the sentence.
2. Check if each clause can stand alone as a separate sentence.
3. Look for coordinating conjunctions (such as "and," "but," "or," etc.) that connect the independent clauses.

In the given sentence, each clause has its own subject ("proof" and "many people") and verb ("has mounted" and "now accept"). Additionally, the coordinating conjunction "and" is used to connect the two clauses, indicating that it is a compound sentence.