I need to answer these two questions but I cannot find any information in my books or on the web. Here are the questions if someone can help me find a website to read that might answer my questions.

Advocates who emphasize individual responsibility and hold offenders responsible for their actions are referred to as:

Advocates who emphasize rights over punishment are referred to as:

On the second, civil libertarian comes to mind. On the first, orthodox subjectivist comes to mind (Immanuel Kant's term).

To find information on the advocates who emphasize individual responsibility and advocates who emphasize rights over punishment, there are a few ways you can approach the search.

1. Web search: You can use search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo, and search for keywords related to your questions. Try using phrases like "advocates who emphasize individual responsibility," "advocates who emphasize rights over punishment," or "advocates of individual responsibility in criminal justice." This should provide you with a list of websites and resources that discuss the topic in more detail.

2. Scholarly articles: Look for academic or scholarly articles on the subject. Websites like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or research databases provided by your educational institution can be a great resource for finding articles written by experts in the field. Use keywords similar to the ones mentioned above to guide your search.

3. Online forums and communities: Participating in relevant online forums or communities might help you find information or connect with people who have knowledge on the topic. Websites like Quora or Reddit have communities covering various subjects where you can post your questions and get responses from other users.

When using these approaches, make sure to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their credibility and reliability. Cross-referencing information from multiple sources can also help in getting a well-rounded understanding of the topic.