Select any four of the physical properites listed in Table 1.1 on page 22 and use them to describe: gold, sugar, water.

I don't quite understand what this question is asking.

Here is the table of physical properties as mentioned.

State - solid, liquid, gas

Colour - colour

Malleability - Ability to be beaten into sheets

Ductility - Ability to be drawn into wires

Crystallinity - Shape or appearance of crystals

Magnetism - Tendency to be attraced to a magnet

Solubility - Ability to dissolve in water

Conductivity - Ability to conduct electricity or heat

Viscosity - Resistance to flow

Density - Ratio of a material's mass to its volume

Meltiing/freezing point - Temperature of melting/freezing

Boiling/condensing point - Temperature of boiling/condensing
Please help. thanks.

To describe gold:

1. State: Gold is a solid at room temperature.
2. Colour: Gold has a distinctive yellow color.
3. Malleability: Gold is highly malleable, meaning it can easily be beaten into thin sheets or hammered into various shapes.
4. Ductility: Gold is also ductile, meaning it can be drawn into fine wires without breaking.

To describe sugar:
1. State: Sugar usually comes in the form of crystals, which makes it a solid.
2. Colour: The color of sugar depends on its type, but it is commonly white or light brown.
3. Solubility: Sugar is highly soluble in water, meaning it can easily dissolve in water.
4. Crystallinity: Sugar crystals can be observed under a microscope, showing its crystalline structure.

To describe water:
1. State: Water exists in all three states – solid ice, liquid water, and gaseous steam – depending on temperature and pressure.
2. Colour: Pure water is colorless; however, impurities can give it a slight color.
3. Solubility: Water is known as the universal solvent because it can dissolve many substances due to its high solubility.
4. Viscosity: Water has low viscosity, meaning it flows easily and has a low resistance to flow.

To answer the question, you need to select four physical properties from the table and use them to describe gold, sugar, and water. Here is how you can do that:

1. Gold:
- State: Solid
- Colour: Yellow (typically)
- Malleability: Gold is highly malleable and can be beaten into extremely thin sheets, such as gold leaf.
- Ductility: Gold is also very ductile and can be drawn into thin wires, often used in electrical connections.

2. Sugar:
- State: Solid
- Colour: White (most commonly)
- Crystallinity: Sugar has a crystalline appearance, with small sugar crystals being visible.
- Solubility: Sugar is highly soluble in water, meaning it can dissolve easily when mixed with water.

3. Water:
- State: Liquid
- Colour: Colorless
- Viscosity: Water has relatively low viscosity, which means it flows easily.
- Boiling/condensing point: The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius, while the condensing point (when it changes from a gas back to a liquid) is also 100 degrees Celsius.

Remember, these are just four physical properties selected from the table, and there are many more properties that can be used to describe these substances.