What year was Iceland founded by Leif Erikson?

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Iceland was not founded by Leif Erikson. The settlement of Iceland is believed to have begun in the 9th century by Norse Vikings, who established permanent settlements on the island. Leif Erikson, the famous Norse explorer, is credited with discovering North America around the year 1000, but he did not found Iceland.

To find the accurate founding year of Iceland, we need to look at historical records. The settlement of Iceland is said to have started around 870 AD when Ingólfur Arnarson, a Norwegian chieftain, established a settlement at what is now Reykjavik. This date marks the beginning of the Norse colonization of the island and is considered the founding year of Iceland as a settlement.

Therefore, Iceland was founded by Ingólfur Arnarson around the year 870 AD, rather than Leif Erikson.