Hi I really need help !!

What are the 3 problems fluid technology has helped solve?

I posted this question up onlie a few days ago but I was only given a google page Can someone please actually state the 3 problems or give me a proper site
thank you =)

If you were given a Google page you should be able to read that and get your answers. You're asking us to do the research and give you the answers with no work on your part except typing the same question endlessly.

Certainly! Fluid technology has helped solve numerous problems across various industries. Here are three examples:

1. Energy Efficiency: Fluid technology has contributed to significant improvements in energy efficiency. For instance, in hydraulic systems, use of efficient pumps and control valves allows for more precise and reduced energy usage in powering heavy machinery and vehicles.

To find more information on this topic, you can try searching on academic databases like Google Scholar or Engineering databases such as IEEE Xplore or ASME Digital Library. These sources often have detailed research papers and articles that delve into the energy-saving benefits of fluid technology.

2. Environmental Impact: Fluid technology has played a crucial role in minimizing environmental impact by reducing waste and pollution. In industrial processes, advanced fluid systems enable better control over material flows, leading to optimized resource utilization and reduced emissions.

To learn more about how fluid technology has contributed to environmental sustainability, you can visit reputable environmental engineering websites or the websites of companies specializing in fluid technology and environmental solutions. These sources often provide case studies and reports on how fluid technology has helped address environmental challenges.

3. Transportation Safety: Fluid technology has significantly improved transportation safety, particularly in the automotive and aerospace sectors. For example, advancements in brake systems and hydraulic control systems have enhanced vehicle stability, braking efficiency, and overall safety on the roads.

To find more information about how fluid technology has improved transportation safety, you can search for articles on automotive engineering websites, aerospace engineering journals, or safety-focused engineering publications. These sources can provide insight into specific technological developments and their impact on transportation safety.

Remember, it's always a good idea to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure they are credible and reliable.