if I wanted to say "..travel to africa and help elephants" how would I phrase that?

Here is the infinitive form:

voyager à l'Afrique pour aider les éléphants...

Sra (aka Mme)

It's always best to give the entire context, or EXACTLY how this phrase is used.

*Aller en* Afrique pour aider les éléphants... (sounds better to me and i'm a french Canadian! lol)

*à l'Afrique*... is incorrect

To express the desire to travel to Africa and help elephants, you can use the following phrase:

"I aspire to travel to Africa with the intention of contributing to elephant conservation efforts."

In this sentence, you convey your willingness to visit Africa for the purpose of assisting elephants. This phrasing showcases your dedication towards contributing to their well-being.

Remember, when phrasing your intentions, clarity and specificity are crucial in conveying your message effectively.