How would you change this sentence into a sentence using the conditional?

Vamos a ver la película mañana.

You would NOT use the conditional with the word "mañana" meaning tomorrow unless you also have a "si clause" such as:

We would see the film tomorrow, if we could. In order to do that sentence, you would need to have had the Past/Imperfect Subjunctive.

Veríamos la película mañana si pudiéramos.
We would go to see the film, etc.

Iríamos a ver la película mañana si pudiéramos.

Is this a set of exercises you are to do? Always give us the complete directions of what you are to do. Is there a modelo/ejemplo for you to follow? (These are things we need to know to help you best.)


The directions say:

Cambiar las siguientes oraciones al modo potencial (codicional)

I have to do 20 of them but I wasn't there for the lesson so I'm not quite sure what I am suppossed to do.

There is no model or example.


OK = use the model I gave you.

main verb = conditional
si clause = past/Imperfect Subjunctive

Try a few and I'll be glad to check them for you.


To change the sentence "Vamos a ver la película mañana" into a sentence using the conditional, you can use the conditional form of the verb "ir" (to go) and "ver" (to see).

The conditional form of "ir" is "iríamos" and the conditional form of "ver" is "veríamos", so the conditional sentence would be:

Iríamos a ver la película mañana.