Ok...so I need to write a persuassive essay for my class, but there is one problem... I don't know what to write about!!!!! Any good topics out there?


how so many big projects shouldn't be assigned at the end of the year

haha ya i totally agree on that one!! especially when they only give you three days to write an essay...

So, persuade the teacher to stop giving such assignments.

Of course! Coming up with a persuasive essay topic can sometimes be a challenge, but I'm here to help. Here's how you can generate some potential topics:

1. Brainstorm: Take some time to brainstorm ideas. Think about your interests, current events, issues that people often debate, or topics you feel passionate about. Jot down any ideas that come to mind.

2. Research: Conduct some preliminary research on your chosen topics. Look for credible sources, articles, or studies that discuss different perspectives and arguments related to those topics. This will help you gather evidence to support your arguments in the essay.

3. Consider your audience: Think about who your audience is and what might interest them. Choose a topic that is relevant to their lives or something they may find important or engaging.

4. Narrow down your options: Review your list of ideas and determine which ones you feel most confident about or enthusiastic about. It's crucial to choose a topic that you have a strong stance on and can effectively argue for.

Here are a few persuasive essay topic ideas to get you started:

1. Should schools implement mandatory uniforms?
2. Is social media more harmful or beneficial to society?
3. Should the government raise the minimum wage?
4. Is animal testing for cosmetic products ethical?
5. Should junk food be banned in schools?
6. Is climate change caused by human activity?
7. Should students be allowed to use cellphones in class?
8. Is it necessary for colleges to offer free tuition?
9. Should standardized tests be the primary factor in college admissions?
10. Is it essential to change school start times for better student performance?

Remember to choose a topic that you feel passionate about, as it will make the writing process more engaging and enjoyable.