When a clown anemonefish gives birth, where do the baby fish go?

the baby fish goes to live in the coral reef until they are old enough to venture out on their own.

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "clown anemonefish babies" to get this source:


Here is its information:

Anemonefish babies: Anemonefishes form permanent pair bonds that sometimes last for years. The male usually selects the nest site, often a bare rock near the sea anemone which he clears of seaweeds and other rubbish. The female eventually helps out. After the female lays on the site, the male scrupulously guards and cares for the eggs, keeping them well aerated and clean. The female helps out sometimes. Larval fish that hatch from the eggs drift with plankton for 8-12 days before settling to the bottom and changing into a juvenile fish.

How does the baby fish find an anemone host? Some species apparently follow chemicals released by the anemone, others find one by sight, for yet others, it is apparently simply by chance. One study suggests the fishes use the smell of leaves from the rainforest to find their way to a suitable habitat. Even so, this is not the end of the problems for the young fish. If the anemone already has resident Anemonefishes, the new fish is usually bullied by the residents and even may be driven away.

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

When a clown anemonefish (also known as the clownfish) gives birth, the baby fish, called fry, typically stay near their parents within the same anemone they inhabit. They find shelter and protection within the tentacles of the anemone. However, it's important to note that clownfish do not actually give birth in the traditional sense, but rather lay eggs.

To understand the process more thoroughly, here's how you can gather more information:

1. Research online: Use trusted sources such as marine biology websites, fishkeeping forums, or academic databases to find detailed information about clownfish reproduction. Look for specific articles or studies focusing on clownfish larvae behavior.

2. Consult books or publications: Check books related to marine biology, ichthyology, or specifically clownfish to find insights about their reproductive behavior. Look for chapters or sections dedicated to their life cycle and offspring.

3. Watch documentaries: Explore nature documentaries or videos that showcase underwater marine life. Look for documentaries that cover clownfish and their reproduction. Documentaries often provide visual information and clear explanations.

4. Contact experts: Reach out to marine biologists, ichthyologists, or aquarium professionals. They have in-depth knowledge about marine life, including clownfish reproduction. Contact universities, research institutes, or aquariums to seek answers directly from the experts.

Remember, verifying the information from multiple reliable sources is essential to get a comprehensive understanding of clownfish reproduction and the behavior of the fry after birth.