Choose the correct noun that matches the stated verb below.

a. la fin
b. un choix
c. la vue
d. un atterrissage

Is it b?

a. la fin
b. un choix
c. la vue
d. une croyance

Is it C?

Oui! C'est ça.

Sra (aka Mme)


To determine the correct noun that matches the verb "choisir" (to choose), you need to look for the noun that complements or corresponds to the action of choosing. The noun "un choix" (a choice) matches the verb "choisir," so the correct answer is indeed b.

Similarly, to match the verb "voir" (to see), you need to find the noun that relates to or describes the act of seeing. The noun "la vue" (the view) represents sight or vision, making it the correct match for the verb "voir." Therefore, your answer of c is correct.