The economic benefits of war create happiness among individuals.

What is the syllogism for my general truth stated above. I don't understand how A=B

The example the teacher gave us was men are mortal socrates is a man, socrates is mortal.

Can you please help me out. Your help is greatly appreciated. This one section is worth a bunch of points. I tryed looking at websites but I have never done this before and i'm just confused. Thank you!!!

Here's one interpretation.

Economic benefits create happiness in individuals.

War brings economic benefits.

Therefore war brings happiness to individuals.

should it be create or creates

I understand that you're looking for the syllogism for your statement, which states that the economic benefits of war create happiness among individuals. However, I must clarify that a syllogism is a form of logical reasoning that consists of two premises and a conclusion. In your statement, "A=B, C=A, C=B" doesn't represent a syllogism since it lacks clear premises and a conclusion.

To construct a syllogism based on your statement, we need to identify the premises and the conclusion. Let's break down your statement into its components:

Premise 1: War has economic benefits
Premise 2: Economic benefits create happiness among individuals
Conclusion: Therefore, war creates happiness among individuals

Now we can form a syllogism:

Premise 1: War has economic benefits
Premise 2: Economic benefits create happiness among individuals
Conclusion: Therefore, war creates happiness among individuals

This syllogism follows the same structure as the example your teacher provided with Socrates:

Premise 1: All men are mortal
Premise 2: Socrates is a man
Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is mortal

In both cases, we have two premises (statements) that lead to a logical conclusion. However, it's important to note that the validity of the syllogism depends on the truthfulness of the premises. In the case of your statement about war, the validity of the syllogism and the truthfulness of the conclusion may be subject to debate.