complete the simile

the rock stood....

The rock is has hard as brick

To complete the simile "the rock stood....," you would need to provide the second half of the comparison. A simile is a figure of speech that uses "like" or "as" to compare two different things. It helps to create a vivid image or convey an idea more effectively.

Here are a few examples of how you could complete the simile:

1. The rock stood tall like a mountain.
Explanation: This simile compares the height and sturdiness of the rock to that of a mountain, emphasizing its strong and unyielding presence.

2. The rock stood firm as a fortress.
Explanation: This simile compares the stability and strength of the rock to that of a fortress, suggesting its unwavering and protective nature.

3. The rock stood immovable like a monument.
Explanation: This simile compares the rock's inability to be moved or changed to that of a monument, implying its enduring and unchangeable state.

Remember, similes allow you to draw connections between different things, making your descriptions more engaging and vivid. So, think about what qualities of the rock you want to emphasize and find a suitable comparison.

The rock stood as motionless as a lifeless statue

Is this OK? You can take the lifeless out if you want


The rock stood as still as a statue