here's what i got so far, for my spanish daily routine assigment:

In the morning I wake up at 8:30 a.m. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I go down and eat breakfast. By 9:00 a.m., I start my schooling (home). The first thing I work on is Trigonometry. Then i do english, American History, Physics, Fine Arts, and Spanish. My classes are very difficult for me and i do not enjoy doing them.From 12:00 - 4:00 I go to school to teach other homeschooling kids. At 4:00 p.m. my brother and i go out to play tennis. I eat dinner at 7:00 p.m. then i go on my computer, and talk to my friends on the phone. My family goes to bed at 10:00 p.m.

Por la manana yo despierto (?) a la ocho y media. Primero cepillarse los dientes y el pelo. (i don't know how to say "i go down") desayunar. Prijmero trabajo en trigonometrio (?). _____ Englis, Historio Americano, fisico, artes, y espanol.

this is what i have so far, and i know there are A LOT of mistakes and alot of words that i didn't know, so i didn't go on. please correct my mistakes. thank youu

yo despierto (?) = If the verb is NOT Reflexive, you must say whom you awaken. Therefore it must be "Yo me despierto" (despertarse vs. despertar)

telling time = las och o

Primero "cepillarse" does not say I brush my teeth. In otherwords the infinitive does not work; you need to conjugate it.

to go down = bajar and you need to add "in order to...)

check spelling of Prijmero = Primero...WHERE is your dictionary? Get it and look up: trigonometry, English, American History, Physics, Art, Spanish (with tilde)


Here's the corrected version of your daily routine assignment in Spanish:

Por la mañana me despierto a las 8:30 a.m. Lo primero que hago es cepillarme los dientes y peinarme. Luego bajo y desayuno. A las 9:00 a.m., comienzo mi educación en casa. Lo primero en lo que trabajo es Trigonometría. Luego hago inglés, Historia Americana, Física, Bellas Artes y Español. Mis clases son muy difíciles para mí y no disfruto hacerlas. De 12:00 a 4:00 p.m., voy a la escuela para enseñar a otros niños que hacen educación en casa. A las 4:00 p.m., mi hermano y yo salimos a jugar al tenis. Ceno a las 7:00 p.m., luego uso mi computadora y hablo con mis amigos por teléfono. Mi familia se acuesta a las 10:00 p.m.

Por las correcciones:

1. Instead of "yo despierto," you can simply say "me despierto" because the subject pronoun "yo" is usually omitted in Spanish unless necessary for clarification.
2. "Cepillarse los dientes" is the correct way to say "brush my teeth."
3. "El pelo" is the correct term for "hair."
4. Instead of saying "I go down," you can say "bajo" which means "I go down" or "I descend."
5. "Desayunar" is the correct verb for "have breakfast."
6. "Trigonometría" is the correct term for "Trigonometry" in Spanish.
7. "Inglés" is the correct term for "English" in Spanish.
8. "Historia Americana" is the correct term for "American History" in Spanish.
9. "Física" is the correct term for "Physics" in Spanish.
10. "Bellas Artes" is the correct term for "Fine Arts" in Spanish.
11. "Español" is the correct term for "Spanish" in Spanish.

Keep up the good work with your assignment!