how do diagram a sententce

This is the very best site online by which to learn diagramming.

Click on the Diagramming link to find all the different types of sentences and elements in sentences, with very clear directions and graphics to show you how.

If you have questions about any grammatical elements that you have to diagram, then click on the Grammar Practice link.

Here are some other websites, but I still think the one I gave you above is far and away the best of them all!

and these:

To diagram a sentence, you need to break it down into its individual components and visually represent their relationships. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: Determine who or what the sentence is about. The subject is usually a noun or a pronoun.
2. Draw a horizontal line: This line represents the main clause of the sentence. Place the subject on the left side of the line.
3. Identify the verb: Find the main action or state of being in the sentence. It could be a single word or a verb phrase.
4. Place the verb on the right side of the subject, connected by a vertical line.
5. Add any direct objects: If the verb is transitive (requires an object), place the direct object below the horizontal line and connect it to the verb with a diagonal line.
6. Include indirect objects and prepositional phrases: If the verb has an indirect object or there are prepositional phrases, represent them beneath the direct object, using diagonal or horizontal lines as needed.
7. Mark adjectives and adverbs: If there are descriptive words modifying the subject or verb, draw diagonal lines from the adjective/adverb to the word they modify.
8. Represent dependent clauses: Use a diagonal line to connect the dependent clause to the main clause, indicating the relationship between them.

Remember, sentence diagramming is not a universal practice, and different diagramming styles exist. The steps outlined here provide a general approach, but you may come across variations depending on the grammar system being used.